Easy ways to Grow your Email List

99% of email users check their inbox every day, with some checking 20 times a day, according to Opt-in Monster. That’s a huge amount of potential clients you could be reaching. If only you had their email addresses! In this article, we are going to share our favourite and most effective ways to collect email addresses.

Run a Competition or Giveaway

Everyone loves the chance to win something, therefore running a competition or giveaway is a great way to collect emails from potential customers.

We recently ran a Giveaway where we gave people the opportunity to win a website designed by us. This was hugely successful, and we gathered hundreds of new email addresses, of people who are interested in getting a new website, a service we offer. We can now tailor our emails and run a campaign targeting these new potential customers.

Unbounce did a study, where they found that landing pages running a competition gathered 700% more email subscribers than those without a contest option.

Make sure that you make the competition easy to enter and ensure that you comply with GDPR rules!

Offer A Discount or something for Free

70% of subscribers open social media links in search of a discount or a special deal. Offering this will give you a huge advantage when getting potential customers to subscribe to your newsletters. Use a pop-up or banner at the top of your website encouraging people visiting your site to input their email to receive a discount code or whatever it is that you’re giving away for free.

Once again, ensure you are following GDPR guidelines and ensuring your subscribers are aware that their information will be used for Marketing purposes in the future. You will need to give them an option to opt-in or opt-out.

Create ‘Gated Content’

Gated content is content and resources that can only be accessed after providing some information. In this case, their email address. It is a great way to gain leads and collect valuable data. It’s not the best way to gain views, or clicks, on a certain subject, but the benefits sometimes outweigh the negatives, especially when you are gaining quality leads.

Some great examples of gated content could be a free e-book when entering your email address and confirm it, or a webinar.

In this case, you need to ensure the gated content you’re providing is of extremely high quality and worth it to the potential subscriber to enter their information.

Sneak peeks

Let your current audience know what they’re missing out on, by showing sneak peeks of your latest works across your various Social Media platforms. FOMO (Fear of missing out) is real, so use it to your advantage. If you have an event, sale, new product launch, or competition coming up, hint at it on Social Media and encourage your audience to sign up for your newsletter so that they don’t miss out.

Use Call TO Actions

A lot of times people don’t sign up for your newsletter because they don’t know you want them to! Using “Call to Actions” throughout your site and across your Social Media platforms is the simplest way to get email signatures. See the button below? That is a call-to-action, asking you to sign-up for our newsletter, so we can share insightful tips with you, just like we’ve done in this blog.

Make sure you are always guiding your customers to the next step you want them to take on your website.

Of course, there are hundreds of other ways to collect email addresses but these are some of the most simple and easiest ways to start collecting emails for your small business. As we’ve said multiple times throughout this blog post, make sure you are following GDPR guidelines and that anyone who is signing up for your newsletter is aware of how their information is going to be used.

Now that you have your email subscribers, what do you send them? Check out our latest blog on “10 Emails your Small Business Should be Sending”.


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