Púróga Pebble Art

The Fadbh (The Problem)

Rebecca came to us looking for a website to showcase her incredible pebble art creations. She wanted a website that was easy to navigate and showed all of the occasions she caters for. She wanted the website to correlate with her current branding colours and logo. As Rebecca had a lot of products and categories, it was important that we made the site as functional as possible for her potential customers.

The Fís (The Vision)

The ability to navigate this site and to customise your order were the two most important aspects for us and for Rebecca when it came to designing and developing this site. As her creations are very specific to each customer we had to ensure there was a way customers could state names, dates, colours, a message etc. It was important that we made this as simple as possible for both customers and for Rebecca.

The Fás (The Growth)

Overall we created a user-friendly and easy-to-navigate site that allows Rebecca's creations to stand out! We created a functional, aesthetic site that is customer focused. We conducted a full lesson with Rebecca so that she felt comfortable and confident running her own site in the future.

If you'd like to check out Rebecca's incredible work, click the button below!

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