Free Guides

Here at Fás X Fís, we want to help your business to Grow By your Vision.

Below you will find 15 free guides to help your business on its online journey. There’s something there for everyone. Simply click on the picture and your download will start right away.

SEO Tips & Tricks

A pdf file with some tips on how to optimize Google & other search engines to try and improve your chances of ranking higher and to increase your businesses visibility & growth.

Content Planner

A free 30 day planner for all your social media posts. We know how hard it is to think and create relevant content every day. This guide takes the stress out of it and tells you exactly what type of content and when it should be posted based on our research.

30 Days of TikTok Ideas

This handy list will give you 30 days worth of video content ideas, that can be used on TikTok, or Instagram Reels, for any small business!

20 Calls to Action

A ‘Call to Action’ is a phrase that can be used as a link, button or prompt that will encourage the viewer to click it. It encourages immediate response. In this guide you will find an example of 20 calls to action you can use through your website & online presence to increase your viewers engagement.

Hashtag Funnel

Hashtags are a key part of gaining visibility on your posts. This guide breaks down the areas you need to target with your hashtags. Every sector can use this guide, simply think of what you are posting and break it down into each section this guide highlights.

Choosing the Right Social Media Channel

This guide covers the benefits of Facebook,Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, Twitter and Snapchat. It shows the impact each of these platforms will have on your business and which of these social media channels you should focus most on.

Choosing the Right Colour for your Brand

At first glance the colour you choose to go with for your business can really tell a lot about who you are. All colours create different moods, feelings and perceptions. In this guide we break down what colour you should choose depending on the aim of your business.

Social Media Checklist

This downloadable checklist will help you know what you need to do on your social media platforms. It’s divided into daily, weekly, monthly and yearly sections and tells you what needs to be done at every timescale. We also left some room for you to fill in your own if needs be.

Social Media Cheat Sheet

All social media posts need different dimensions, or pixels, to fit in correctly. This guide gives you the correct size each image should be depending on what platform and where on that platform you are posting too.

20 Blog Post Ideas

No matter what area your business is in you shouldn’t have any more difficulty thinking of blog post ideas with the help of this guide. These titles are optimized for SEO and will draw your ideal readers attention.

Content Creation

Another time consuming area is creating content for your social media platforms. This download will easily breakdown how to create a content calendar. This will make it so much easier and give you plenty of idea to create relevant content.

Social Media Strategy Guide

Getting the right strategy in place is key for your business. This Social Media Strategy Guide will outline exactly how you can create one for yourself and the actions needed to implement it.

How to Improve SEO

Getting your site ranked higher on google is highly desirable for most business. With this guide you can improve your SEO and get your site in front of more potential customers.

Top Content Ideas

This guide sets out the best types of content you should be posting across all of your social media platforms to attract your ideal audience.

Strong Brand Guide

This guide breaks down the best practices making your brand stand out from the crowd and be seen amongst the masses.